Day 8: Morning- starter refresh, Evening- make autolyse and starter refresh. 

Day 8 - MORNING Directions:

1- Stir starter.

2- In clean bowl, add 100g old starter, 100g flour and 100g 85°F water. 

3- Mix well until there are no flour clumps.

4- Loosely cover and store in a room without food for 12 hours. 

NOTE: you will start making your dough tonight using bread flour, whole wheat flour and water. Stop by the store today to pick these up if needed.

Day 8 - EVENING Directions (10pm):

Make Autolyse:

An autolyse in baking is when you mix your flour and water together ahead of time before you add your leavening agent (starter) and salt. This process has an incredibly positive affect on your bread’s end result, and should be used whenever possible. A loaf that has had more time in this autolyse stage will have a more airy, and spongy crumb. It is absolutely delicious!!! I am so excited for you to try it!

10:00pm- Autolyse Directions:

1- Add 800g bread flour, 200g whole wheat flour, and 675g 85°F water to large bowl. 

2- Mix thoroughly by hand or using stand mixer with dough hook attachment.

3- Cover tightly with plastic wrap or a shower cap. Set aside in kitchen until the the next morning when you add your refreshed starter. 

10:30pm- Refresh and increase starter:

1- Stir starter.

2- In clean large bowl, add 200g old starter, 200g flour and 200g 85°F water. 

3- Mix well until there are no flour clumps.

4- Measure out 100g of this newly refreshed starter and place it in a glass jar. Loosely secure the lid, and store in the refrigerator for your next sourdough adventure!

5-     Loosely cover the remaining newly refreshed starter, and store in a room without food for 8 hours. This is the starter that you will add to your Autolyse to make your dough in the morning. Yay!!! Good night!!